How To Remove Old Pee Stains (And Other Hard-To-Remove Stains) From A Mattress

If you are used to eat in bed or you have kids, then there are high changes to stain mattress. Accident may occur, and when it comes about the mattress, you will probably think that it’s very difficult to clean it. Well, that’s not necessary true, because there are some tricks which some cute housewives wanted to share with us to get rid of those nasty stains, especially pee stains from a mattress.
If you spilled coffee, water or any other liquid on the mattress, the first step is to press over the stain, baking soda. It will quickly absorb the impregnated liquid between the tresses. Then vacuum the baking soda, and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

How to get rid of pee and or any other stains from a mattress
Ammonia is one of the best solutions you can call with confidence to get rid of the stains from a mattress.
To 1 liter of warm water, add a few drops of dishwashing detergent and a cup of ammonia. Mix well the solution. Soak in it a cotton cloth or a sponge and wipe the stained surface. When it comes to old stains, apply the cloth on the stain and leave it for 5 minutes, and then rinse the cloth and rub the stained area very well. Don’t forget to squeeze the cloth every time you rub the stained surface. It shouldn’t be absorbed into the substance and just wet.

Careful! If you use this technique, it’s recommended to use protective gloves and open the window very well to ventilate the room and not to inhale ammonia vapors.
Vinegar is another handy solution for many people. It’s useful in removing stains and, in addition, removes odors.
You need:
– 500 ml of wine vinegar
– 200 ml of warm water
– 2 tablespoons of dish detergent
Mix all the above ingredients, and using a sponge or a cloth soaked in the solution, clean the mattress well, insisting on the stain. Finally, wipe the mattress with a clean cotton cloth that absorbs the excess liquid. Open the windows and ventilate the room, letting fresh air to penetrate into the room and allow the mattress to dry faster.
