How to get rid of acne on cheeks naturally

Acne no, not again that was your first words when you saw your acne coming first before one or two days when you are going to attend some important event like party must it happen when there is some important wedding occasion. I always find acne on cheeks right one day before any wedding occasion and I taking the stress and start thinking how to get rid of this acne as soon as possible. But I told you one thing truth that natural home remedies are the best way to fight with acne it’s natural and safe too. One thing more, when you get any a new pimple on your cheeks, don’t take any stress as it leads to more pimples just simply try this solution to get rid of acne on cheeks naturally and effectively.

1. Honey

As honey is really delicious and I often use it for my breakfast but apart from this, it’s a natural antibiotic which helps to reduce the redness of acne and after some day it completely disappear. It also helps to remove dirt from skin, You can simply use dip a cotton pad in honey and apply it on your acne or you can mix honey with cinnamon powder, apply it on your acne, let it dry for 20 to 25 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

2. Cucumber

Do you ever think why people place cucumber slices on puffy eyes? Because cucumber is a great source of vitamins and also it has an anti-inflammatory property which helps to reduce the redness of acne on cheeks. You can simply place the cucumber slices on top of your acne or make a paste by grinding them, now apply it to you full face as it not only reduce the pimple size but also gives you a brighter skin tone. Leave it for 30 minutes, after that wash your face with warm water.

3. Ice cubes

If you really want a quick result? Then you must try ice, As in many old posts I talk about many ice cube recipes, but now you just talk simple ice cube, hold it with a clean cloth and start rubbing it on your acne, do it twice a day to reduce it completely. As ice cubes helps to remove dirt, improve blood circulation and tighten your pores in just a few minutes.

4. Toothpaste

Yes you heard it right, toothpaste helps to reduce the redness, so if you want to reduce your pimple in one night then it’s a great option for you. Toothpaste contains silica which dries out and reduces the redness of a pimple, sometimes it disappears in one day. Simply wash your face and apply toothpaste on your acne, not the whole face, let it stay overnight and wash it off in the morning.

5. Garlic

Garlic is used in many dishes, but it’s really good for acne too, Garlic is loaded with antioxidants plus it’s anti-bacterial. So basically, there are two ways to use garlic to get rid of acne on cheeks, in the first way you have to add garlic to your diet and eat it raw in the morning with empty stomach as it helps to purify the blood so you can’t face any acne in the future, the second method is simple cut the garlic piece in half and start rubbing it on your acne, but if your skin is sensitive then don’t forget to dilute the garlic with some water.

6. Lemon

At this time, you don’t have to drink warm lemon water just apply it and it dry out the acne in less time as lemon is packed with Vitamin C so it quickly reduces the size of acne But keep in mind that you have to use fresh lemon juice. Just wash your face and apply the lemon juice into your acne with the help of cotton pad, let it stay for overnight and wash your face in the morning. So if you have sensitive skin dilute it with water and then apply it on your acne.

7. Tea tree oil

As in my previous post about how to control acne breakout naturally, I write about tea tree oil and in this post I wrote about it again because I found it most effective for fighting acne. It has anti-bacterial properties which help to kill the bacteria which cause acne and other skin problems, as it’s also effective for whiteheads and blackheads. Simply apply tea tree oil to your acne and leave it. Another method is that mix tea tree oil to aloe vera gel and apply it to your pimples and let it stay for 30 minutes after that wash it off.

8. Papaya

Papaya is a well-known fruit which used in many beauty products, as well as home remedies due to its high level of Vitamin A., If you eat papaya daily you notice a shine and brighter look which lasts forever. By applying mash papaya on your skin helps to get rid of acne as well as it gives you a baby soft skin. I always use a papaya exfoliating mask, so you all want to try it, well so just take mash papaya, mix one tablespoon of milk and caster sugar. Exfoliate your skin with this mixture and then leave it for 20 minutes, then wash your face but don’t use a face wash.
These are lot more solutions than these, rather than this please take care of health and try to eat healthy foods like fresh vegetables or fruits, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water and don’t take any kind of stress. Stay away from dirt and polluted areas, Don’t touch your acne or don’t pop it as it leads to acne scar or sometimes hole.
Do you have another home remedy for acne? Do you like my post, please don’t forget to share your thoughts and opinions in the below comment box. As I highly appreciate your feedbacks they are really important for us.
